


August 4, 2014


April 12, 2015


See Saw Film Festival

April 26, 2015 at 6:30 PM – Lawrence, Kansas

Gasparilla International Film Festival

March 27, 2015 at 2:45 PM – Channelside Cinema, Tampa

Social Justice Film Festival

October 18, 2014 at 6:30 PM – University of Washington, William Gates Hall

Florida Film Festival

April 13, 2014 at 4:15 PM – Regal Winter Park Cinema

Atlanta Film Festival

April 1, 2014 at 9:45 PM – Plaza Theatre

Community Screenings

To organize your own community screening, join POV’s community network.

03/07/2015, 3:00PM

West Las Vegas Library (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Hosted by retired police Sergeant Chris Curtis, a 20-year veteran of the Las Vegas police force. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion.

12/03/2014, 7:00PM

University of Wisconsin – Green Bay (Green Bay, Wisconsin)

The Green Bay Film Society is hosting a public screening at the local museum and inviting students from various classes. Professor Derek Jeffreys (Humanities/Religious Studies) will introduce the film and lead a discussion. Dr. Jeffrey’s has written two books on the U.S. criminal justice system.

12/03/2014, 7:00PM

Princeton Public Library (Princeton, NJ)

Screening and discussion in partnership with the Campaign to End the New Jim Crow, Princeton Chapter and Trenton chapters, and Princeton University’s SPEAR organization. Representatives from these organizations will facilitate a post-screening discussion.

11/22/2014, 1:00PM

Southern Poverty Law Center (Miami, FL)

Screening and discussion.

11/13/2014, 7:00PM

Burchfield Penney Art Center (Buffalo, NY)

Presented by the Burchfield Penney Art Center and the Buffalo State’s Office of Equity and Campus Diversity, Communication Department, the Office of Student Life on the Beyond Boundaries: Dare to be Diverse Film Series.

10/21/2014, 7:00PM

Capital City Bar & Grill (Springfield, IL)

Screening in partnership with the Springfield area ACLU. University of Illinois Law School professor Steve Beckett will speak after the film.

10/19/2014, 1:00PM

Brooklyn Public Library (Brooklyn, NY)

Screening and panel discussion as part of “Kids in Jails – Rehabilitation or Punishment?” a look at whether alternative rehabilitative measures need to be taken for juvenile justice. Followed by an hour long panel discussion with professionals in the field of alternative schools and youths in the prison system.

10/14/2014, 7:00PM

Communities and Relative of Illinois Incarcerated Children (Chicago, IL)

Screening and discussion Northwestern Bluhm Legal Clinic and human Rights Watch Chicago.

10/08/2014, 7:00PM

American University, Center for media and Social impact (Washinton, D.C.)

Screening and panel discussion as part of their Human Rights Film Series.

10/06/2014, 7:00PM

Vermont PBS (St. Johnsbury, VT)

Screening and panel discussion as part of Catamount Art’s Great Conversations program.

09/25/2014, 7:00PM

Gathering for Justice (New York, NY)

Screening and discussion as part of “Growing up Locked Down,” a three day multi-media, multi-cultural, solution-based Juvenile Justice conference being presented by The Gathering for Justice and justice League NYC.

09/16/2014, 5:00PM

John Carroll University (University Heights, OH)

Screening open to the entire campus. Hosted by campus Sociology and criminology Department.

09/12/14, 1:00PM

Cultural Alliance of longbeach (Longbeach, CA)

Screening and discussion at Bungalow Art Center.

08/28/14, 1:00PM

Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK)

Screening and discussion as part of OSU’s student-run Cineculture film series.

08/20/14, 1:00PM

Oceanside Public Library (Oceanside, CA)

Screening and discussion.

08/07/2014, 12:30PM

Juvenile Justice Youth Summit (Washington, D.C.)

The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) and the Office of juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) are co-hosting the 2014 Juvenile justice Youth Summit in Washington, DC. The Youth Summit Seeks to cultivate and empower a new generation of juvenile justice advocates. screening, discussion and Q&A.

08/01/2014, 1:00PM

Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition (Denver, CO)

Screening as part of a meeting to discuss the issues and what they need to do to make change. The meeting will involve planning, organizing and education.

07/27/2014, 2:00PM

Project NIA at the Jane Addams Hull-House museum (Chicago, IL)

Screening, discussion and Q&A.

07/21/2014, 1:00PM

Ephrata Public Library (Ephrata, PA)

Screening and discussion.

07/15/2014, 6:00PM

Pillsbury united Communities Oak Park (Minneapolis, MN)

Screening and discussion.

06/10/2014, 1:00PM

Monroe Township Public Library (Monroe Township, NJ)

Screening and discussion.

06/08/2014, 3:00PM

Pennington Public Library (Pennington, NJ)

Screening and discussion. A law professor and lawyer from Rutger’s Speakers Bureau specializing in the topic will join for a Q&A. Event partners; Rutgers University, NJ Speakers Bureau

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